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About Heathcote Chiropractic Clinic

Woman on computerCraig Scott-Dawkins, Registered Chiropractor, was looking to create a welcoming practice when the Warwick Gates Family Health Centre contacted him. As timing would have it, they were looking for a chiropractor to work in their new centre. In December 2002, Heathcote Chiropractic Clinic was established and continues to grow, in part, because of its distinctive attributes:

  • Professional, caring and service oriented
  • Enthusiastic and family friendly
  • Desire for continued improvements to the services provided
  • Evidence-based in our recommendations


Pain Is Not the Problem

Our mission is to educate patients about why they’re in pain and what’s causing the problem. Pain, in many cases is a symptom of an underlying issue. Back pain is often linked to a lack of proper functioning of the spine, nerves and muscles.

Chiropractic care identifies where the problem is stemming from. We will work to help stimulate the body to encourage it to work better, thereby reducing the symptom i.e. pain. Every person is unique, so some recover more quickly than others. Ultimately, this is determined by your own body.

Looking at Health — Holistically

One of our greatest goals is to encourage people to learn more about their bodies as a whole, not just their spines. Taking a holistic approach to health involves exercising more, eating well, drinking more water and reducing sugar consumption. It is our desire that you not only get healthy, but stay healthy for life!

Our team is here to help you discover relief and enjoy wellness for a lifetime! Give us a call and let us help you feel your best.

About Heathcote Chiropractic Clinic | 01926 889558